Whilst this is not an ideal situation for any publisher, this can happen. Swapping to our Fuse tags can see a drop in CPM from your existing setup eg Adsense.
When you move across to our Fuse tags, you are opening your inventory up to a whole new supply of network partners. These partners will bid on your inventory through a mixture of Headerbidding and Googles Open Bidding (EB). In most cases, this is the first time that these networks have seen your inventory before. They will not start bidding high CPMs straight away, rather they can take some time to get to you know your audience. It can take some time to see the performance metrics, such as viewability scores, and CTRs (click through rates). Once they have data they can make adjustments at the buy side and amend their bid rates accordingly.
The Publift client team also need data to inform our decisions and data takes time. We will review your site with the first month of going live. Most tests require a minimum of 14 days of data to gather learnings. We have many optimisations that can help grow CPM, but it all takes time. Be patient and reap the rewards of our partnership.
There are some factors out of our control that can impact CPM. Such as:
Please read our blog post here for more detailed information. It’s a great read!
At Publift we don’t like to focus on eCPM as the success metric. It is just one other metric amongst many. Our goal here is to grow your overall revenue. Some optimisations we choose may decrease CPM but grow your overall revenue. This metric is what you should judge us on.
We value honesty and transparency at Publift, and if we feel your earnings will be less from working with us, we will let you know. After all, we want what is best for you. We don’t just want clients, we want happy clients!