MCM - How can I prepare for the MCM conversion with Publift?

MCM - How can I prepare for the MCM conversion with Publift?

Multiple Customer Management (MCM) is Google’s new product that allows Publift to manage other publisher's domains in Google AdX. All publishers will need to migrate from SPM (the legacy Google product) to MCM this quarter. There are two key changes that are necessary:
  1. Accept a new Google AdX invitation (similar to what you had accepted when you first starting working with Publift)
  2. The change required is an update to the ad unit path that indicates their GAM ID as a child of our parent GAM ID. Therefore, each ad unit being served from our GAM account will need to have a child ID appended to it. Publift will manage this from the fusetag. If you have a GPT tag on the page, we'll show you how to update this.
For point 1, Accept a new Google AdX invitation for MCM, you will need to do some quick prep  to prepare for this update, as follows:
  1. If you have an Ad Manager account, you will need to accept the invitation we send with an email address/user that has the necessary accesses as listed in this Google Help Center ArticleFor Ad Manager, it is admin access and/or the permissions for “Edit users, roles, and teams.”
  2. If you do not have an Ad Manager account, but do have an Adsense account, you will need to accept the invitation we send with an email address/user that has the necessary accesses as listed in this Google Help Center ArticleFor Adsense, it is Admin Access.
  3. If you don't have a Google Ad Manager Account or a Google AdSense account, you can simply have a new Google Ad Manager account built during this workflow.
Here is a general workflow to understand the above:

For point 2, we'll contact you individually if you're affected by this change. 
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