What are Fuse Payment Deductions?

What are Fuse Payment Deductions?

Our network partners may deduct revenue from your monthly earnings if they detect invalid traffic or when advertisers do not pay their bills. 

Payments from Publift may include deductions from our network partners, such as Google, Pubmatic and Rubicon. There could be various reasons behind the deductions but the most common ones are as follow:


Invalid Traffic/Impressions

Ad networks will deduct payment when they detect invalid clicks and ad impression or any activity that violates their policy. This type of deduction prevents advertising earnings from being artificially inflated. Refer to this link on Google's definition of invalid traffic.

This is the most common reason behind payment deductions.


Payment Collection Issue

Ad networks will deduct payment when they are unable to collect payments from certain advertisers. These advertisers may be involved with payment fraud or defaulted on payments.


An example of this was when Sizmek went bankrupt in 2019 and have defaulted on 3 months worth of payments. Note that this type of deduction is very rare.



How does Publift calculate deductions for publishers?

We apply the respective deductions to all publishers in 2 different ways. These are dictated by how detailed our network partner's deductions are.


Publisher-specific Deductions

For ad networks that provide us with a breakdown of deductions by publisher (i.e. AdExchange and Open Bidding partners), the exact deductions are applied to the particular publisher.

Please find the screenshot below for the deduction breakdown from Google AdManager.

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Network-wide Deductions

When our network partners do not provide us with a breakdown of deductions by publisher, we apply the deductions according to the revenue % each publisher generated with that network partner.

Please find the screenshot below for the deduction breakdown from Pubmatic.

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Both deductions are then added to your Fuse Part 1 and 2 Remittances. You can see a line item on the remittance with the exact deduction being applied:

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